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Profit Tool Belt I Construction I Contracting I Renovations I Remodelling I Construction Business Coach Dominic Rubino

Oct 26, 2021

In this episode of the Profit Tool Belt podcast, host Dominic Rubino explains why you need a partnership agreement: avoid the default rules of the state, make clear who owns the business, give yourself leverage if your partner goes off the rails, protect your investment, protect minority owners, and more.

Oct 19, 2021

In this episode of the Profit Tool Belt podcast, host Dominic Rubino walks through the Construction Millionaire Self-assessment, an exercise he recently presented at an industry conference, that you can use to identify your goals and get clear about how to achieve them.

Oct 12, 2021

In this episode of the Profit Tool Belt podcast, host Dominic Rubino explains why being short a person costs you money, and discusses ways to find new people for your team, including posting on bulletin boards and Facebook groups, crafting Instagram and even TikTok videos, and through referral programs.

Oct 5, 2021

In this episode of the Profit Tool Belt podcast, host Dominic Rubino shares insights in teambuilding from his son’s football team, and talks about defining company culture, setting expectations, picking winners, hiring in 2021, positivity, starting new hires on the right foot, and more.